Abstract—Radar cross section measurement must be precise and accurate especially for tracking small radar cross section targets (e.g. tracks on Fighters); other targets of interest may be aircraft, tanks, or ships. As a consequence, the need of having more accurate evaluation for the Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the targets is required. This paper describes and demonstrates the modeling/automation of the RCS’s antenna holder movements. In order to suppress the unwanted manmade error, fuzzy logic controller was used, to have better target tracking while measurement process. Taking into account the fuzzy nature of human decision making processes and real-time properties, this paper has established different fuzzy controllers then tested and compared with a crisp decision system. The first one has been developed using an expert knowledge, the second one was learned from the recorded videos.
Index Terms—Fuzzy logic control, multi-input/ multi output, nonlinear system, RCS lab measurements enhancement, and video guidance.
The authors are with the School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China (e-mail: Mohamed.Galal@ njust.edu.cn, jianyu_wang2000@163.com).
Cite: Mohamed Galal and Jian-Yu Wang, "Modeling and Automating of RCS’s Lab Tracker," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 142-149, 2016.