Abstract—Sustainable development emerged in the complex
context of globalization, which consists mainly in better
integrating both regionally and globally countries and people
associated with the introduction of large-scale informational
innovations, which have reduced significantly transport and
communication costs, eliminated artificial barriers to the
movement of goods, services, capital, knowledge and people
between state.
Index Terms—Knowledge, management, sustainable
development, systems, transdisciplinarity.
Claudiu Pirnau is with Engineering and Management field, at Lucian
Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania (e-mail: claude.pyr@ gmail.com).
Cite: A Sustainable Model for Calculating the Efficiency of
Knowledge Distribution in SMEs, "Claudiu Pirnau," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 152-156, 2014.