Abstract—The adaptive fault-tolerant control problem for descriptor nonlinear system is researched in this paper. Contents include the properties of Adaptive Fault-tolerant like uncertainties, state delays, and input delays using T-S fuzzy model. First, the design of the state observer to estimate system state and sensor fault is introduced. Then, the adaptive fault-tolerant control structure with the state observer is proposed when combining with the sliding model control (SMC) and the adaptive generic model control (AGMC). Finally, an adaptive fault-tolerant control structure for nonlinear descriptor system is constructed. About above results, both of theoretical analysis and illustrative examples demonstrating the feasibility and validity were proposed.
Index Terms—Fault-tolerant control, T-S fuzzy, observer, sliding model control, adaptive generic model control.
The authors are with the division of electronic and communication engineering of Yanbian University, Yanji, China (e-mail: 2013050243@ybu.edu.cn, ynxu@ybu.edu.cn).
Cite: Z. J. Yu and Y. N. Xu, "Research of Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control Based on T-S Fuzzy Model," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 62-66, 2014.