Abstract—The performance and efficiency of internal combustion (IC) engines can be greatly improved by using a high-performance cooling system. This can be achieved by implementing robust control strategies and, also by building the cooling system with high-performance elements. The mechanical execution elements can be replaced with electrically controllable elements such as the pump and the thermostat valve. This will have a positive influence on the degree of controllability of the system. In order to develop high-performance control algorithms, it is necessary to have a model that best reflects the behaviors of the physical system. Thus, this paper presents a mathematical modeling approach for the cooling system using the principles of heat exchangers and the physical phenomena present in them.
Index Terms—Control system, engine cooling system, Heat exchangers.
C. Mureșan and G. Harja arewith the Automation Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania (email: mclaudiu0070@gmail.com, Gabriel.Harja@aut.utcluj.ro).
Cite: C. Mureșan and G. Harja, "Modeling and Controlling the Cooling System of an IC Vehicle," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 80-85, 2021.
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