Abstract—The presented process is an isotope separation column for , which represents a space propagation process modeled by the proposed method. Cohen's equation was approached by a second-order differential equation in relation to time t and also second-order in relation to the spatial variable s. This second order partial derivative equation was developed at an initial stage for which the variables and have been limited to two time constants ( ), or space ( ), resulting a family of curves of the concentration.
Index Terms—Isotopic separation process, Cohen's equation, transcendent equations, method.
Muresan Vlad, Diana Sas, and Iulia Clitan are with Automation Department from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (e-mail: sasdia@yahoo.com).
Mihaela Ligia Uniguresan is with Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering, Physics and Chemistry Department from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Cite: Sas D., Clitan I., Unguresan M-L., Muresan, V., "Analytical Modeling of an 15N Isotope Separation Column by Second-Order Quasi-Linear Equations with Two Independent Variables," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 310-314, 2017.