Abstract—The authors have developed a multi degree of freedom piezoelectric actuator that has Translational and Rotational motions in one joint (TR motor). Because the motor has the advantages such as simple structure and excellent controllability, it has high potentials for wide use in non-industrial application. The authors will apply it to outdoor use, especially, use in water. In this paper, the authors have applied insulating processing to the piezoelectric element for waterproof and designed an optimal shape of it for driving in water. The authors have succeeded in driving TR motor in water.
Index Terms—Ultrasonic motor, piezoelectric actuator, waterproof actuator, TR motor.
Shigeki Toyama and Uichi Nishizawa are with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan (e-mail: toyama@cc.tuat.ac.jp, n-uichi@cc.tuat.ac.jp).
Cite: Shigeki Toyama and Uichi Nishizawa, "Development of Waterproof Ultrasonic Motor," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 242-244, 2017.