Abstract—In this research, we studied the problem of balancing a dynamic bike-sharing system in Taiwan. A simulation model for solving vehicle repositioning problems in bike sharing systems is presented. The objective of this research is to decide the optimal number of vehicles for the repositioning that minimizes customers waiting time.
Index Terms—Simulation, bike-sharing systems, repositioning problem.
Yang-Kuei Lin is with the Department of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Feng Chia University, Taiwan (e-mail: yklin@mail.fcu.edu.tw).
Francois Liang is with Cycling & Health Tech Industry R&D Center, No.17, Gongyequ 37th Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (e-mail: ali@tbnet.org.tw).
Cite: Yang-Kuei Lin and Francois Liang, "Simulation for Balancing Bike-Sharing Systems," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 24-27, 2017.