Abstract—Diabetes mellitus (DM) was a chronic metabolic disease characterized by higher than normal blood glucose level (normal blood glucose level = = 80 –120 mg/dl). In this study, type 2 DM which mostly caused by unhealthy eating habits would be investigated. Related to eating habit, DM patients needed dietary menu planning with an extra care regarding their nutrients intake (energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate). Dietary menu with appropriate amount of nutrients was organized by considering the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, mathematical model of this problem is represented by linear programming with more goals. Those are to achieve the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates and to minimize expenses. In this study, Goal Programming model was used to determine optimal dietary menu variations by minimizing the deviation that available each the goal function. From the data obtained from hospitals in Yogyakarta, optimum menu variations would be analyzed using Goal Programming model and also their sensitivity analysis.
Index Terms—Diabetes mellitus, goal programming model, sensitivity analysis.
The authors are with the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and natural Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia (e-mail: atmini_uny@yahoo.co.id, dwilestari@uny.ac.id, dwilestari.math@gmail.com, eminugrohosari@gmail.com).
Cite: Atmini Dhoruri, Dwi Lestari, and Eminugroho Ratnasari, "Sensitivity Analysis of Goal Programming Model for Dietary Menu of Diabetes Mellitus Patients," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 7-12, 2017.