Abstract—In this paper, a new technique for anthropometric proportions estimation using multi-camera environment is presented. We refer to this system as a recCAL. System is represented in a form of a 3D model and as well real-world physical model, both used as a reference model/object in the size estimation process. Further anthropometric proportions of human body and face are utilized to provide an estimate of real size from series of images as captured by multi-camera system. recCAL has potential applications in variety of areas where anthropometric proportions or size of other objects may be useful.
Index Terms—Anthropometry, human proportions, object size, multi-camera.
Ondrej Kainz, Dávid Cymbalák, and František Jakab are with the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia (e-mail: ondrej.kainz@tuke.sk, david.cymbalak@tuke.sk, frantisek.jakab@tuke.sk).
Cite: O. Kainz, D. Cymbalák, and F. Jakab, "Anthropometric Proportions Estimation Using recCAL in Multi-camera Environment," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 300-303, 2015.