Abstract—Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the killing diseases in the developed countries. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that Tuberculosis Disease can cause global warming. So, TB must be solved especially in prediction and vaccination. In this model, there are vaccinated populations, a vaccinated exposed population, and recovered individual can reinfection then be infected individual. There are four populations in this model, the population are Vaccinated, Exposed, Infected, and Treated. The type of TB Spreading in this model is exogenous reinfection. This paper explains about equilibrium point, and analyzing of stability endemic model
Index Terms—Equilibrium point, tuberculosis, vaccination, VEIT.
The authors are with the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia (e-mail: m.rifki.taufik@gmail.com, dwilestari@uny.ac.id, dwilestari.math@gmail.com, tiar_septriarini@ymail.com).
Cite: Muhammad Rifki Taufik, Dwi Lestari, and Tri Wijayanti Septiarini, "Mathematical Model for Vaccinated Tuberculosis Disease with VEIT Model," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 192-197, 2015.