Abstract—In this study, we proposed a nonlinear mathematical model of Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) due to the effectiveness of hand washing campaign as a control strategy. The model is analyzed using stability theory of differential equations and computer simulation. The results showed that there were two equilibrium points; disease free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium point. The qualitative results depend on the basic reproductive number 0 ( ). R We obtained the basic reproductive number by using the next generation method. Stabilities of the model are determined by Routh - Hurwitz criteria. If 0 <1 R , then the disease free equilibrium point is local asymptotically stable, but If 0 R >1 , then the endemic equilibrium point is local asymptotically stable. The graphical representations are provided to qualitatively support the analytical results. It concluded that with an increase in the effectiveness of hand washing campaign, the infected population reduced.
Index Terms—Hand foot mouth disease, hand washing campaign, basic reproductive number, stability analysis, equilibrium point.
The authors are with Faculty of Science and Technology, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Surat Thani, 84100, Thailand (e-mail: na_math_sru@hotmail.com, su1963n@gmail.com).
Cite: Thanyada Phutthichayanon and Surapol Naowarat, "Effects of Hand Washing Campaign on Dynamical Model of Hand Foot Mouth Disease," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 104-108, 2015.