Abstract—Communication through lines is supposed to be
continuous in a network design. It is important for a network to
be invulnerable that is communication is not interrupted in the
case of any damage. In this paper, we introduce the concept of
the average weakly hyperedge domination number (AWHEDN)
of a hypergraph as a new vulnerability measure. The
polynomial runtime of the presented algorithm and the
boundary of this measure are also studied. Since information
systems are operating in a social context, we need to represent
acts of humans in security systems to obtain more consistent
models. To achieve this goal, hypergraphs are more useful than
simple graphs. In this study we consider the hypergraph model
of an actor-network of a workplace, and then studied what kind
of urgent changes shall be done in wi-fi connection in the case of
the outer attack. The model with lesser AWHEDN number has
the least communication possibility, hence it’s appropriate to
choose that model as an urgent response.
Index Terms—Actor-network, hypergraphs, security systems
modelling, vulnerability.
The authors are with Department of Mathematics, Mugla Sitki Kocman
University, Mugla, Turkey (e-mail: {mehmetalibalci,
Cite: Mehmet Ali Balcı and Ömer Akgüller, "Average Weakly Hyperedge Domination Number for a
Hypergraph and Actor-Network Application," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 346-349, 2014.