Abstract—Infrasound and seismic signals of interest (SOI) have been collected from various sources including men, vehicles, boats and machines during a recent field exercise. The designed experiment specifically located infrasound and seismic sensors to gather the SOIs and process them under the framework of the Infrasound Sensors Network (ISNet). This custom signal gathering, pre-processing, and communication suite allows for the exploitation of SOIs from virtually any type of land, air or waterborne signal source. The on-going development of the ISNet and the subsequent SOI signal processing and analysis is supported by this work.
Index Terms—Infrasound, infrasound analysis, infrasound array, infrasound classification.
William. W. Arrasmith is with the Department of Engineering Systems, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL. 32901 USA (e-mail: warrasmi@fit.edu)
Everett. R. Coots is with the Harris Corporation, Government Communication Systems Division, 1025 W. NASA Blvd. Melbourne, FL. 32904 USA (e-mail: ecoots@harris.com)
Eric. A. Skowbo is with the Northrop Grumman Corporation, Research and Technology and Military Aircraft Systems, 2000 W. NASA Blvd. Melbourne, 32904 USA (e-mail: eric.skowbo@ngc.com)
John. V. Olson is with the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks (e-mail: jvo@gi.alaska.edu)
Cite: William W. Arrasmith, Everett R. Coots, John V. Olson, and Eric A. Skowbo, "Analyzing Infrasound and Seismic Signals Emanating from a Waterborne System Using Canonical Modeling and Analysis Methods," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 176-181, 2014.