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General Information
Prof. Adrian Olaru
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
I'm happy to take on the position of editor in chief of IJMO. It's a journal that shows promise of becoming a recognized journal in the area of modelling and optimization. I'll work together with the editors to help it progress.

Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Applications of Optimization Techniques

Guest Editors: Sunil Kumar Khatri, P. K. Kapur, and Deepak Kumar

  The existence of optimization methods can be traced to the days of Newton, Lagrange, and Cauchy. The necessity to optimize more than one objective or goal while satisfying the physical limitations led to the development of multi-objective programming methods.
    In optimization of a design, the design objective could be simply to minimize the cost of production or to maximize the efficiency of production. An optimization algorithm is a procedure which is executed iteratively by comparing various solutions till an optimum or a satisfactory solution is found. With the advent of computers, optimization has become a part of computer-aided design activities.
    Different modeling techniques are developed to meet the requirements of different types of optimization problems. Major categories of modeling approaches are: classical optimization techniques, linear programming, nonlinear programming, geometric programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, stochastic programming, evolutionary algorithms, etc.
    Some typical applications in different engineering disciplines includes aircraft and aerospace structure, space vehicles, water resources systems, Optimum design of electrical networks, Optimal production planning, controlling and scheduling, etc.
    This special issue on Applications of Optimization Techniques is brought from the short listed papers from the International Conference on Reliability, Infocom technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2013) held during Jan 29-31, 2013 in Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, India. It contains papers on credit financing, multi-objective linear programming, color based quality analysis, successive releases, ordering policy, weighted performance, pulping system in paper industry and link prediction techniques.
We hope that this issue contributes well to the researchers and academicians in the field of mathematical programming. We acknowledge International Journal of Modeling and Optimization for their kind support and help in bringing out this special issue.


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