Abstract—This energy ramp is an extensive approach in the
field of alternativerenewableenergy. It is a
mechanismtoproduce electricity by harnessing the kinetic
energy of vehicles that drives over the ramp. The objective is
to design a system that decreases the energy crisis in Pakistan
by utilizing the vehicles kinetic energy. The system can be
implemented just before or just after the entrance of e.g. Tool
Plazas, Hospitals, U-turns, Airports etc.
Index Terms—Alternative energy, electricity, energy ramp,
kinetic energy
T. Ilahi is with Energy Engineering, University of Engineering and
Technology, Lahore, Pakistan (e-mail: engineer_tehseen@yahoo.com).
A. A frozand M. U. Khan are with Telecommunication Engineering
Department, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi,
Pakistan (e-mail: adnaaf@hotmail.com;m_umar_k@hotmail.com).
A. Zafar is with the Pronet Pvt. Ltd, Pakistan (e-mail:
K. Bakhtis is with Alcon Scientific Services, Lahore, Pakistan (e-mail:
S. Altafis is with Standard Engineering Company, Karachi, Pakistank
Cite:Tehseen Ilahi, Adnan Afroz, Muhammad Umar Khan, Arsalan Zafar, Khusro Bakht, and Shoaib Altaf, "Generating Electricity through Harnessing of Kinetic
Energy Using a Ramp," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 520-522, 2013.