Abstract—An efficient network is critical to support the rapid growth in traffic on mobile networks, since current network PCS1900 (2G) cannot support such a huge demand. The objective of the third-generation (3G) UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) of wireless communication is to provide high speed wireless communication to support multimedia, large data, and video. However, the co-existence of the two mobile radio systems (PCS1900 and UMTS) which share the same frequency band leads to a major issue. A serious issue of co-existence occurs when the downlink of the system is closer to the frequency bands of the concerned system. The PCS-1900 downlink band (1,930-1,990) and WCDMA (UMTS) uplink band (1,920-1,980) widely overlap, which causes interference between UMTS mobile unit and PCS-1900 base station. Therefore the objectives of this paper is to study the effect from PCS 1900 base station interference on UMTS mobile unit performance in terms of the probability of bit error by developing the Probability of bit error equation of DSS-QPSK from the existing Probability of bit error equation. This paper also evaluates the degradation of UMTS mobile unit performance in terms of probability of bit error when the system is interfered by PCS1900 base station.
Index Terms—Bit error, co-existence on network, DSS-QPSK, PCS 1900, UMTS.
The authors are with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Bangkok, Thailand (e-mail: settapong.m@nbtc.go.th, jesada.s@nbtc.go.th).
Cite:Jesada Sivaraks and Settapong Malisuwan, "The Probability of Bit Error Due to the Co-existence Interference of PCS1900 and UMTS," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 484-489, 2013.