Abstract—Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network
Functions Virtualization (NFV) are technologies for enabling
innovative network architectures. Nevertheless, a fundamental
problem in instantiation of Virtual Networks (VNs), performed
by NFV, is an optimal allocation of resources offered by one or
more SDN domain networks. The process of instantiation of VNs
is performed in several phases, including splitting and mapping
algorithms. For each one of these phases, researchers have
developed algorithms, being possible to obtain different results
combining them. This paper introduces a modular and flexible
graphical discrete event simulation tool for solving the complete
virtual resource allocation in SDN domain networks problem. A
Java-based tool has been developed to integrate existing and
future algorithms related to each phase of the process. The
simulator is a test-bed in which researchers can select the
appropriate algorithm in each phase and display the results in a
graphical form, while obtaining a performance evaluation of the
selected and proposed algorithms.
Index Terms—Network functions virtualization, network
modeling, optimization, software-defined networking.
The authors are with Department of Telematics Engineering. Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya. BarcelonaTech. Esteve Terradas, 7, 08860,
Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: aurelioj.garcia@entel.upc.edu,
e-mail: cristina@entel.upc.edu, e-mail: yury.jimenez@entel.upc.edu).
Cite: Aurelio Javier García, Cristina Cervelló-Pastor, and Yury Jiménez, "A Modular Simulation Tool of an Orchestrator for
Allocating Virtual Resources in SDN," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 88-94, 2014.