Abstract—Cogeneration power and MSF water desalination plant has been modelled using the IPSEpro software package based on plant operational scenarios and validated against measured recorded data from the plant. The relative differences between the model results and measured plant data vary from 1.1% to 3.7% for the power plant and 1.0 % to 1.8 % for MSF desalination. The model uncertainties could be attributed to either modelling assumptions or to input data uncertainties, with measured plant performance uncertainties due to measurement device precision and effects of external factors.
Index Terms—Cogeneration, modeling, IPSEpro, validation
Mohammed A. Al-Weshahi, Alexander Anderson, and Guohong Tian are
with Newcastle University, UK (e-mail: m.al-washahi@ncl.ac.uk,
sandy.anderson@ncl.ac.uk, guohong.tian@ncl.ac.uk).
Basim M. Makhdoum is with Umm Al-Qura University, Saudia Arabia
(e-mail: basim.makhdoum@ncl.ac.uk)
Cite: Mohammed A. Al-Weshahi, Alexander Anderson, Guohong Tian, and Basim M. A. Makhdoum, "Validation of Simulation Model for Cogeneration Power and Water Desalination Plant," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 46-51, 2013.
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