Abstract—Central E-services have a key-role in enterprise governmental organizations. These organizations maintain related information in database servers inside one or more datacenters. Some of these organizations have a lot of country wide branches and all of them connect to datacenter(s) by WAN links. As a result to provide services with acceptable quality to customers, quality and stability of WAN links have main role. A usual method to achieve desired stability and availability is providing redundant link and running a suitable routing protocol over links to reduce service downtime of branches. This method has some constraints and drawbacks. The main constraint is lack of redundant WAN link in some regions. Also link and maintenance costs are two main drawbacks for this method. In this paper by combining existing WAN topologies we introduce a hybrid WAN topology with an acceptable stability and cost and predict availability of all existing methods and proposed models (C2MP) by aid of ITIL definition and prove at least by regarding stability, our model(s) have better result.
Index Terms—Availability, C2MP, ITIL, intranet
O. Aghalatifi and .M. Farahmand are with the Islamic Azad University of Rudehen, Iran. (e-mail: aghalatifi@riua.ac.ir; majid_farahmand@taminn.org).
P. Tavoosain is with Social Security Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran(e-mail: p_tavoosian@taminn.org)
Cite: Omid Aghalatifi, Majid Farahmand, and Pooya Tavosian, "Cloud to Multipoint: A Hybrid and High Available WAN Topology," International Journal of Modeling and Optimization vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 385-389, 2011.
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